Times may be a little hard but all in all, God has blessed us! We are #TeamGodbott
This series discusses the different obstacles that come along with having a child with a Cleft Lip and Palate. I discuss any and everything from surgeries to developmental delays to the successes of our child. There is a whole world that comes along with having a child with a cleft lip and palate; usually, you don’t find out about that world until you are forced into it.
Marriage Related Topics…
I often discuss topics related to marriage because it is another passion of my husband and I. We are also new marriage ministry leaders at our church…so expect more topics related to marriage on The Green Eyed Lady Blog.
Foodie-related post…I share recipes that I cook for my family and about restaurants that we have been to.
Email: greeneyedladyblog@gmail.com
Follow me on Twitter at @greeneyecarissa
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Hopefully, you have enjoyed learning all about #TeamGodbott and I hope that you take a look through the rest of The Green Eyed Lady Blog!