I remember many of my NICU days with Emma and Darrick II like it was yesterday. For Emma, it was about 5.5 years ago and for Darrick its been 3 years. I remember different things that happened, the smells and sounds. However, I do know that due to the amount of stress I was under at the time there are details that I have forgotten!
One of my blogger friends, Bianca Dottin from her self-titled blog Bianca Dottin and the creator of the nonprofit Mamas of the NICU has created the perfect journal for parents of little ones in the NICU. I wish there was something like this around for both children, but especially for Darrick II. His death was a traumatic experience and I know that in telling DJ later on about his twin I wish he could read my thoughts from that time and see pictures and possibly keep it as a keepsake for himself, in order to know more about his twin!
Mommy’s NICU Journal
Check out the details of the Journal…
Dimensions: 6″ x 9″
264 total pages
Hard, Glossy Cover
Full color
Un-dated so you can use it anytime
Packaged in keepsake box
The journal is 264 pages consisting of 60 days worth of daily tracking and journal pages and filled with inspirational quotes to help get moms through their NICU stay.
Again, in looking at these pages I wish there was something like this around when I was a NICU Mom. I would’ve purchased one while being in the hospital with Emma and another one when Darrick II was in the NICU! And being a NICU Mom I know the importance of being able to get those thoughts out by talking about them and being able to look back and reflect on them!