I’m pretty much an Internet-aholic…yes, I know that’s not a word but I am addicted to the Internet! I like to be connected at all times (through my phone, or Kindle)!!! I was already pretty much in love with my kindle but since we have been spending A LOT of time in the hospital I have fallen in love with it all over again (especially since it fits in my purse)! I can get online while I am holding Emma in my arms, I even downloaded some children’s books and read to her while Darrick held her so she could see the screen (believe it or not she sat quietly too)!
Since my cousin is waiting for her Kindle Fire to come in, I thought I would do a post about my favorite apps…
~Baby Proof (current read) by Emily Giffin
~Google Reader
~Fruit Slicer Game
~Web Browsing
~My Newstand (Magazines)
~Children’s Books
~What to Expect the First Year
~Baby Center
~Look at Pinterest
What are your favorite apps on either your E-Reader, Tables, or other Electronic Device???