On this day 13 years ago, I started my own little piece of the internet! I started The Green Eyed Lady Blog! If you are wondering where the name came from, you can read this story, because there is a story and the name doesn’t only come from the fact that I have green eyes!
I would first like to start by saying THANK YOU!!!
My blog has never been about numbers, but more about connecting with my readers and sharing my story with the hopes that it would help someone along the way. I don’t have a huge audience but what I have is a loyal audience. You all have been with me to celebrate my highs and my lows…your messages during some of my hardest times have encouraged me to keep this space up and running and for that, I am very thankful! Each year I say that I am going to have a party for my anniversary, and I haven’t done it yet. Maybe next year will be the year that I actually sit down and plan something! Maybe have a photoshoot or something…I will get there! Just stick with me!
13 of my Favorite Events as a Blogger…Well, I couldn’t decide on JUST 13 so here are some of my favs!!!
Pics over the years…

These last few years have been FILLED with such goodness!
We have traveled for different opportunities, my children are often smiling for pics, my son was in a Cleveland Cavalier’s commercial we have been actively working with the CAVS since DJ was 3 years old…he’s now 7!!! We have met LOTS of great people, from other bloggers to marketing executives that are now a part of The Green Eyed Lady Blog family! I couldn’t be more grateful! I’m sitting here now full because God has smiled on this blog and definitely made a way for me to continue this for 13 years!
My family…I couldn’t do this without you!
Darrick, our first conversation was of you telling me how amazed you were with my work as a blogger, which then turned into us dating and look at us (it might have been game but it worked)…still together 12 years later. You are my cheerleader when I’m extra hard on myself, you have prayed for me and this blog, you have seen all of the tears, you make small talks with all of the people we need to network with because you know sometimes I can be awkward (LOL), you have created marketing plans, you have created a space for me to blog in our home, you are there and sometimes I don’t mention it but I am truly grateful for your love and encouragement! This is not only my blog, but yours as well…you often remind me this is for our family!
My entire family has played a tremendous role in this project, from letting me take pictures of them, keeping the kids during adult-only events, helping with the business side of things like taxes, and so on…I am extremely grateful for each and every one of you!!
Those Little Godbotts…one day you will look back at this blog post and smile! You both are my “WHY”…you motivate me, you push me, you ask me a million and one questions while I’m handling business but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You will know that we worked hard at something that we are passionate about, and what I hope that you learn is if you have a dream go for it. It will take time, you may not have the most numbers or the biggest audience but if you just believe in yourself that is half the battle!
In the next year, I hope to get back to blogging on a regular basis (it’s hard yall…with life and kids), and I hope to host a couple of events, and even sell some merchandise!
Again, I thank you all for sticking with me over the years! It truly means so much to me that the things I have shared over the years has resonated with you and kept you coming back! And I hope you continue to follow in the coming years!!!