This year I am committed to focusing more on myself!
For the last 6 years, I have been in Mommy Mode! Being in Mommy Mode is not a bad thing it’s just that I haven’t taken the time to focus on myself and as a result of that my body is all out of whack! Not in a selfish way, but its time for me to focus on myself so I can be the best “ME” and the best wife and mother to my family.
I have never discussed this on the blog, however, last year I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.
“Some of the symptoms of PCOS are; menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity. Treatments include birth control pills to regularize periods, a medication called metformin to prevent diabetes, statins to control high cholesterol, hormones to increase fertility, and procedures to remove excess hair (Google).”
When I found out the diagnoses I was happy because I finally had ANSWERS!!! Some of these symptoms are symptoms that I have been dealing with ALL OF MY LIFE and I would share it with the doctor and they would run tests and find NOTHING! Finally, after doing some research on my own and being persistent with my doctor and running more tests we had answers!
The blessing in all of this is that usually with PCOS women have a hard time getting pregnant and carrying to term, however, for me, this was never a problem.
So now its time to come up with a game plan!
Last year I knew that I needed a Primary Care Physician…so after getting a reference from a friend I had an appointment on January 3rd. When it was time to go to the doctor I questioned myself on why I scheduled at the beginning of the year and when I was trying to get back into my regular routine after being off work from Christmas Break. But everything happens when its supposed to happen! When I figured out what I wanted to work on for the year, and my doctor’s appointment…it all aligned at the perfect time!
My new doctor (that I LOVE) came up with a game plan of how we are going to tackle my weight! She would like me to go on the 10-day Detox by Mark Hyman.
I am still reading up on the book, however, I have started changing some things with my diet!
I have a few items from Costco that are helping kick start my new lifestyle…
Premier Protein…I learned a lot about drinking protein shakes when my mom was preparing for Bariatric Surgery. And I see that they work well for me, I am usually full after drinking one and it lasts for a couple of hours until its time to have a snack!
Mixed Nuts…great snack pack to carry in my purse or gym bag. I can eat that instead of buying a bag of chips!
Granola Bars…I usually keep these on me for the kids or my husband! I notice when I have snacks on me that I make better decisions versus stopping and buying them.
Chocolates…every once in a while you need chocolate. So I hide them but when I need a piece (like when Aunt Flo visits) I have it. Having the one piece helps me curb the craving, and sometimes my husband may need a piece or two so it stops him from going out and buying chocolate and bringing it home!
Daily Facial Towelettes…I always keep these around! They’re good for taking off makeup and for cleaning your face after a workout! My husband even keeps a pack with him because it works in a lab with lots of chemicals, you have to take care of your skin!
The calendar was given to me as a gift, but I always keep motivational quotes around me at all times! My planner cover, and calendars on my desk at work and at home. Sometimes you have to motivate yourself and this is what I do for myself!
This year I am committed to taking better care of myself! That doesn’t stop me from taking care of my family it helps me to be better for them when I’m at my best!
What are you committed to changing this year?