How do you get through a summer when both children have surgical procedures that have to be done?
I am sharing 5 things that help us get through surgery with less stress!
Don’t let your thoughts consume you…as moms we worry! We worry about EVERYTHING, what could happen, what is going to happen, what happens afterwards…ANY and EVERYTHING! But its important to not let your mind wonder during this time. This will be our third child having surgery and although all of them have been successful surgeries its easy to drive yourself crazy! So if that is consuming yourself with a book, your phone, the computer…ANYTHING!
Play Your Part (Darrick’s Suggestion)…No matter how many times we have been through these procedures we are not experts. We come into each situation as if it is our first time dealing with surgery with our child. We listen to all the directions, ask questions if we don’t understand and have the doctors explain what they will be doing in “laymen’s terms.” Find a doctor that you can trust and let them do their jobs.
Have you had a child that has had to go through a surgical procedure? If so, what did you do to make the process less stressful for you?
And once again, as you finish reading this I ask that you whisper a prayer for our munchkin! Thank You!