This is NOT a sponsored post. All BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages were purchased with my own money.
About 3 weeks ago our daughter Emma had her 8th procedure that was Cleft-Related. Each time she has been under anesthesia she has had multiple procedures done. This last procedure that was done was a Rhinoplasty and a repair to her Cleft Scar.
Like the champ that she is, she did excellent with the procedure and is doing great with her recovery. Her nose is looks AMAZING and we are following directions on how to get it to heal properly, along with multiple appointments with her plastic surgeon! Emma has to go all summer with plastic stint in her nose and tape across her lip. Prior to surgery we watched multiple episodes of Doc McStuffins (her favorite) to prep her for what was going on. The day of the procedure she was very nervous and could tell something was going on, but she was unable to communicate what she was feeling so she cried.
Talk about breaking you heart; just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes!
One day after getting Emma dressed and doing her hair, I noticed when she looked in the mirror her face went down. I asked what was wrong and she pointed to her nose, my heart sunk. I talked to my husband and we said we wished it was something we could do to make wearing a nose stint fun for her.
Prior to this conversation with my husband I was talking to my friend Kelly and she had mentioned how her mom made it fun for her to wear an eye patch one summer when she was younger. She said she was able to decorate her eye patch daily. I snapped a quick picture of Emma while she wasn’t looking to see if she had some ideas on what I could do to make it fun. We didn’t come up with anything, but I mentioned this conversation to my husband after we noticed how Emma’s face changed when she looked in the mirror.
After the conversation with my husband we didn’t come up with any ideas right away, however, one day while I was at work he found some BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages with her favorite characters on them and covered the tape on her nose.
Initially, when my husband first presented me with the idea of Band-Aids on her nose I shot it down because I felt like it would bring a lot of unwanted attention to her nose. However, when she looked in the mirror and saw her favorite characters her face brightened up and that smile came back!
Thanks to my husband for not listening to me and trying it…it worked!!!
Emma is perfect no matter if she is taped or not, but to see a 5 year old look in the mirror and her face going down to now looking in the mirror and admiring what she sees is truly a blessing!
We haven’t been able to find her favorite Doc McStuffins BAND-AID’s but we have picked out some of her favorite characters.
Every couple of days I have to change her bandages, and before I start the process she picks out the characters she wants. Sometimes, the BAND-AID is based on what color outfit she is wearing that particular day. Now she looks forward to the new bandages and seeing the new designs on her face. She makes sure that everyone looks at her new bandages for the day and admires them with her.
As all moms, I always worry about what children are going to say to her about her nose, but many of the children are admiring her BAND-AID’s rather than paying attention to her nose and the fact that she has had surgery. Her brother has also decided he needs to wear BAND-AID’s in support of his sister.
So happy that our little girl’s smile has come back with the help of her favorite characters on her BAND-AIDS!!