Today I am off work in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday…so its only fitting that I start today off with a quote from Dr. King!
This quote is perfect for my life TODAY!
The last few years (5 Years to be Exact) Darrick and I have had quite a few obstacles to overcome! From moving in with my parents, his job moving to another state and him having to find another (after 15 years), becoming a one-income family, having a special needs daughter that has had her own set of challenges and obstacles to overcome, having twins, losing a twin, clearing out our savings due to the challenges with our children and having extended stays in hospital. Its been very challenging, however, we have been taking it in stride! But finally we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel and some of the things that we have prayed about and worked for have come to fruition!
Many people have asked us how do we keep going, and we simply say we don’t have a choice! You have to keep moving forward! When those munchkins look at us; we know if nothing else we have to keep going for them! Even when we want to check out, we keep going for them! We keep going for each other!
At times Darrick and I both have had to encourage each other with the speech of “holding on and just keep moving forward.” There are times when he would get down, and I would jump in as the encourager and other times when I would get down and he steps in as the encourager…we have to keep going forward, there is no other option!
We have come TOO FAR to go backwards!
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
So this year 2017, The Godbott family is moving forward!! No matter what comes our way…we will be moving forward!