Seems like ever since Father’s day life for #TeamGodbott hasn’t slowed down. It’s been good stuff but…I would love a break or staycation! During everything that has been going on it has been hard to sit and focus enough to get my thoughts on paper or computer! My mind has been racing so much that I started a similar post like this many times but never finished it…until today!
*First thing is on Father’s Day the Cleveland Cavs became World Champions! I celebrated as if I was a father…LOL!! It was the best feeling EVER and it seems like that feeling has carried over into the summer as well! Cleveland needed a championship so I’m not complaining at all! I’m so happy and proud of our basketball team!!! Those Finals would bring you close to heart attack levels! Ha!
*Almost a week later I started back working…only part time but for someone that hasn’t worked since 2013, it has taken seriously major adjustments to get back on thay schedule. And now having two children I worry about them and our schedule changes! The job is great, my coworkers are a fun group to work with and learn from!
*My family and I just got back in town from a Press Trip with Visit Pittsburgh…we are TIRED but we had a GREAT time!!! There are a TON of blog post coming to recap our trip!! We attended the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum, a Pirates baseball game at PNC park, Kennywood, Duck Tour and a few other attractions…so it’s all coming!!
*Since being out of town the last couple of days I’m sure my Fitbit numbers have been in OVERDRIVE! I haven’t walked that much over the course of a day in a longtime…one of those days we attended 4 attractions in the city! I need to continue those steps to get back on my healthy track that I was on!
*In the month of June we went through an Autism Evaluation/Testing for Emma. Although some of her actions she displays are close to those that have Autism we knew she didn’t have Autism. However, we knew there were delays going on and we wanted to make sure everything has been covered. I will probably devote a full blog post to this but this has been a tedious process and honestly, I couldn’t sit down and focus long enough to write a blog post because I was worried about my baby! We received a few answers that will help us to guide her in the future with education and therapy!

*Prior to going on vacation I cut all my hair off…well I didn’t cut it but my bestfriend did! I had a patch of hair that was straight and damaged…I tried working with it but I couldn’t take it anymore! I was very nervous but I did it, and I love it! The day I got it cut I loved it, then the next couple of days I was unsure about it…then being out of town I fell in love all over again with it. Not to mention it was HOT so I cut it at the perfect time! When we went out of town I only had to pack three items to take care of it…usually hair products need a suitcase of their own…Ha!
*Going on this press tour has made me realize there are some thing I need to get in order when it comes to blogging. One of the first things on my list is to buy a portable charger! Also to do better planning when it comes to my posts, and overall organization. I have also been motivated to continue blogging…when I started working I was thinking of taking a step back, however, I have realized that right now is not the time to do that…and I’m perfectly okay with that!
What have you been up to lately?