In talking to Emma’s Physical Therapist I decided that I would sign her up for outside Occupational Therapy {OT} also. There were a few things with her fine motor skills that I felt could use some fine tuning…she understands the concept but not how to place her fingers. She also gets Occupational Therapy at school, so it couldn’t hurt to get some additional help outside of school.
So now we go to therapy on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday on a weekly basis…
Friday, when we attended our first “real” session of OT…I was a amazed at all the different exercises that she did with Emma.
Since I am a blogger I am ALWAYS taking pictures, no matter where we are! One of the things that I have always done with Emma in therapy is take pictures. I started just because I was excited when she learned something new, or I would take them because I want her to look back on these years and see how far she has come.
And now…I still take pictures for the reasons but I also take pictures so I can come home and recreate what she worked on in therapy. Emma’s speech therapist gives us lots of things to go home and practice, she gives us papers and items to use to help work on her lip coordination for speech. She also gave us flash cards to work on from home; she also gave us different exercises to work on at home. I come home and put the directions and paperwork for the day and laminate them together so we will have both parts when we practice.
I also do this with different worksheets from school…we have one laminated with colors and shapes…I copied one of them and colored it and now we use it as a study guide for our shapes and colors.
In OT Emma worked with “lacing beads”…I knew I wouldn’t remember everything she did in OT so I took pictures so I could come home and figure out a way for her to do these things at home to get more practice in. When I pull out these exercises at home, Emma thinks we are playing a new game or doing homework when in reality we are getting in more therapy time!
I sometimes take a notepad with me so when the therapist pulls out something new I can write the brand down and look for it at home if it is something that she really needs work on. Many times the exercise can be recreated with a quick trip to the Dollar Tree, or checking on Amazon.
Do you sit in on your child’s therapy sessions? If so, do you take notes or recreate things they do in therapy at home?