I posted the above picture a while back on my Facebook page and it got some good laughs…well I had a friend on Facebook that is a new mom and she posted it this week and it not only brought back memories but it captured how I currently feel!
This week was SUPER BUSY and we (as a family) were all over the place!
I know I mentioned at one point how I know I am a SAHM but I usu
ally give myself Friday off…well Im in full swing because literally our living space looks like the picture above!
I think it can be attributed to us starting the week with a holiday, our actual anniversary was Tuesday, Douglass is teething and wont let me out his sight, it was Emma’s last real week of school, and we have added outside therapy to the weekly rotation, Emma had follow up appointments for her procedure she had done in April…everything was just crazy!
So I am spending today washing and just trying to get some order! I have blog post in draft that havent been finished, some I had a VERY good start on but forgot my “train of thought” because its been so long since I could really focus…almost a week I think!
And on top of that this is what I have been dealing with, with Emma lately…
She’s so all over its crazy…or maybe its driving me crazy LOL!
So now I am playing catch up…
How was your Week?