We have been going to a bunch of appointments for Emma because she is in need of another set of tubes for her ears. She is hearing at 50-60% and has fluid in her ears, so they are going to try a more permanent set of tubes. She has never had tubes alone, she usually gets them when she is having another surgery…
Well after the appointments yesterday, everything has been changed in terms of where Emma will have her tubes put in…we will be a different hospital because she goes to the dentist at another hospital other than her usual so this means I have a bunch of work to take care of to get it all approved by her doctors from her regular hospital…WHEW Im tired just thinking about it.
Emma goes today for her observation meeting to see if she got into the preschool program…Will Post Later with Updates (stay tuned to the Facebook page)
Yesterday, was pretty emotional for me with appointments with two doctors that haven’t seen us since the passing of Darrick II. I cried in the morning and that seemed to help out a lot so I had my game face on when I was out in public.
Sometimes I cant believe that I have two children…its crazy! I see Emma dance around Douglass and his face lights up at the sight of his sister, its amazing and I love it!
Tonight we are going to a Cavs game with Darrick’s Co-Workers! I haven’t been to a game since LeBron James came back, so I am pretty excited!
Sometimes I end up on Instagram for long periods of time (I wont say how long that is), and usually its looking at Inspirational Quotes…
These are the quotes that stuck out to me this week! I take screenshots of a lot of pictures and sometimes I post them and other times I refer back to them when I need encouragement…