With everything that has gone on in the past few weeks with Emma having surgery and spending 4 days in the hospital I had a lot of time to sit and think. More like just let my mind wonder from topic to topic…
One night I couldn’t sleep…Darrick was in the chair stretched out sleep (he always stays with us at the hospital), and as always I was up checking Emma’s monitors making sure all of her levels were good while she slept. I was standing over her crib saying a prayer and it was like God immediately started speaking to me. He was giving me confirmation that I was walking in my purpose. As I have written before becoming a stay at home mom has come with a few challenges for me because I wanted to be a career mom, I envisioned myself working this high-paying job and balancing family life. Well it didn’t really happen like that, and Im not saying it will never happen but right now God has me on a different path.
My path or purpose is being here for my family…and Im good with that! I knew standing there in the hospital that if I was that career-mom I would probably be using vacation time along with FMLA to care for my child…but God has put me in a situation to be able to care for my family and not have to worry about ANY of that! Now don’t get me wrong from time to time it does get stressful mentally, physically and financially but I have also learned to lean on God! But right now with the challenges that are going on with us God is still on the throne and is leading us every step of the way…and even in those times when we don’t know how things are going to get done He continues to show us that He is in control…and He will never leave us!
As we were leaving the hospital, the nurses were amazed at how Emma had pepped up. Its funny because they work in the hospital but the nurses are just as anxious to get you better and send you home as you are. Well the sweet nurse that Emma had been pretty mean to throughout the week (in true toddler form) pushed for getting her discharged because she wanted us to go home blessed us with almost a month worth of diapers for Emma as well as diapers for the twins (we were too pumped…I mean after all the hospital uses Pampers just like us)…we never asked her for anything we just talked to her about Emma and she saw I was pregnant and asked a few questions.
Talk about God working it all for you! Darrick and I had plans to stop at Target on our way home because Emma was running low on diapers and we knew once we got her home she was going to be in the house for a few days until she had her follow-up appointment with her surgeon.
As I always say God is Amazing! He continues to show us His love even when we aren’t seeking it, we are busy trying to take matters into our own hands. Often times we get so caught up in our feelings of worrying about this or that we tend to forget that God is listening to everything in our hearts.