This week I made the executive decision to get us back on track with eating. Darrick and I have had a ton of conversations about food, healthy eating, working out…you get the picture! However, it’s only talk unless we start moving on the talks that we have been having…
The only thing is I totally feel like this (pic below) this week! I usually try to deter everyone from giving Emma a ton of candy because she is so little and I know it will be Darrick and I eating the candy!
Thursday (Halloween Day) we will be going to my sisters job for Trick or Treating during lunchtime! Basically we will be going because she wants to show her off and her coworkers haven’t seen Emma in a few months! I don’t mind these people prayed and sent us care packages while Emma was in the hospital after she was born…so the least I can do is bring her to play with them!
Then Thursday night we have a party to go to at my church, called Hallelujah Night. It’s for the kids in the neighborhood, to keep them out of the streets on Halloween but also a chance to introduce them to Christ…can’t beat that Christ and Candy!!! LOL!
But this brings us back to the candy topic….
Like I said before I’m not a huge fan of Halloween decorations…we’ll let me rephrase that I don’t get down with any ghost or anything that represents death or worshipping the devil! I like pumpkins and friendly decorations.
I found the pics (above: and I reminded myself how much I do love the candy during this time!
I love Caramel Apples, Candy, Cake Pops, Cupcakes….
I have to find some strength somewhere to abstain from eating this stuff! I started off strong yesterday and I feel better for my Day 2 (today) but I’m already dreading Day 4!
How do you not eat a ton of sweets during to this time?
I need help!!!!
I know at church I can pass on the candy, or at least give some of it away…but I won’t be able to avoid it altogether!
I mean it is rude to refuse something someone is giving you, right???
LOL…I’m already trying to justify me taking the candy home!
Hi my name is Carissa and I am addicted to sweets!!!
And so is my husband…I can admit it for him to!