1. What are 3 items you can’t live without on a daily basis (water, food, shelter, and clothes don’t count)…
My iPad, Cell Phone, and Blistex & Peppermints
Sorry thats 4 but those are things I ALWAYS have with me!!! LOL! What am I an old lady with Peppermints in my bag!
2. What is your all time favorite book? Why?
The Coldest Winter Ever by Sistah Souljah
The book was REAL and dealt a lot with things that effect the Black Community
3. What is something you’d like to accomplish before the end of 2013?
Make my blog my full-time job! At least be on my way to that by the end of 2013
4. If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be?
Last year was the best and most challenging years of my life. Knowing what I know now, I would go back and relive it knowing that everything is going to be alright! I would take the time to soak everything up!
5. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them?
I am very sensitive so I am ALWAYS crying, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I want a pity party! Crying is just how I get my feelings out…sometimes just let me get it out and I will be good!