My girls “Tia and Tamera” never disappoint! I think they are so down to earth that everyone feels like they are their sister or girlfriend! Did they not look EXTRA fabulous!!! Tia’s hair is EVERYTHING!!! OMG its so cute!!!

So after watching this show I could relate to Tamera on so many levels. I always have felt the twins remind me of my sister (who is 3 1/2 years older than me) and I. I called my mom after the show went off and she said they remind me so much of you and Carlyce! HA! I am Tamera and Carlyce is Tia! Anyways, back to the subject…I totally understood how Tamera felt (kind of a Baby Blues feeling). Just not feeling yourself after having a baby! Its crazy because Emma is 17 months and at times I still don’t feel 100% myself. Now for myself I think some of my feelings can be attributed to so much changing in my life at once (going from working to SAHM, all the changes with Emma, becoming a wife)…its been a lot at once! But what I would love is for her sister to realize that just because she bounced back quickly with Cree, and she is in a different space now since her son is older that she was once in the same place! Seems like the season is going to go in that direction and I cant wait to see what happens!
I also could relate on Tamera “doing her”! Its time…I mean in the previous seasons she waits for everyone else to do something. Its her time to get going on her own stuff! And I know the feeling of that too…sometimes you want to take everyone else with you but you need to do somethings on your own. And when you are growing, you cant take everyone with you because your path isn’t necessarily someone else path!
So lets just say after looking at this episode I had a true “come to Jesus” moment with my mom! I basically told her about my feelings and she said they are completely normal and gave me some suggestions for helping myself with my “baby blues” feelings…
-go pamper myself in some way
-buying myself something (clothes, shoes, something I’ve been wanting)
-going on dates with the Husband
When I was talking to my mom I started crying (because I am a total crybaby) and Darrick walked in the room, so then I explained to him how I have been feeling and he gave me some suggestions…
-getting out the house by myself more
-Really enjoying my time to myself
-utilizing family when I need a getaway
Gotta love a great support system! I guess I have no reason to not get it together!!!
Thanks Y’all…Love You!!!