Tomorrow morning Emma and I will be headed to our first “playdate” with the children of the Moms from the Mom Bible Study Group that I go to on Wednesdays. I don’t know why I feel all anxious before we do stuff like this but I am a little nervous. Emma loves other children, but I guess I’m not sure how other children will respond to her. Most kids love her because she is so friendly but I guess that does help me much with my anxiety! I know we will be fine, and she will have a good time…and I already know the other moms and they are all nice so I just need to get over my own anxiety! Emma is going through this stage when we are in a new environment she is a little clingy, so I just hope that she is her usual friendly self and not super-glued to me!
Since this is our first playdate, I knew there was etiquette for playdates so of course I searched it on Pinterest! And I didn’t find what I was looking for so I went to Google
(I Google Everything…LITERALLY)…
I found this article on the Parents magazine site…this is my version of their rules!
Prepare ahead of time. Schedule playdates at times when toddlers are likely to be in a good mood, such as in the morning or the late afternoon (post-nap, of course).
We are going from 10-12, so this is actually a good time for Emma! She doesnt usually get sleepy for naptime until between noon-12:30pm
Keep it small. Try to limit get-togethers to one friend at a time, especially if the kids are playing indoors. Much easier for a child to learn to socialize with one child versus, a bunch of children; also, cuts down on the chances of fights or meltdowns over toys and such!
Well I know for a fact we arent the only ones going, Im not sure how many more are coming but it will at least be 5-10 children (I am assuming).
Let the kids choose the agenda. Toddlers have a short attention span, if they are playing together and getting along dont bother them! Have things planned in advance but if they go on their own and play together…just role with it Mommy!
Im not sure whats on the agenda! I have learned from Emma when we go to the Little Gym that she likes to follow what others are doing. She like to try what the other children are doing, then if she doesnt like it shes likes to explore!
Turn off the TV and computer. Besides winding down at the end of the playdate, you cant learn social skills by sitting in front of a TV.
Emma likes watching TV…Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Sesame Street, but I only let her watch in moderation! If its playtime I change the channel to something not kid related and her attention will stay on toys rather than TV. With the exception of Commercials…she LOVES commercials on any channel! LOL!