I have some great news…EMMA IS NOW A SIPPY CUP DRINKER!!!!
Since Emma’s first surgery back in July 2011 we have been using the Ross Cleft Palate Feeder
This is what the nipple of the bottle looks like that she was using! Before she was able to drink from this on her own you would attach this top to a plastic bottle (regular bottle) and you would squirt this into her mouth. This was prior to her palate being repaired, at this time it was only her nose and mouth. Now luckily we made some good connections in the hospital when Emma was born because we went to see her old nurses and occupational therapist and she gave us more of these nipples (nipples are $24 for 3 Nipples)
Since her palate surgery in January we had to clip the top of the Ross Nipple for her to eat. We had to do this because after her surgery we couldnt risk her putting the bottle too far into her mouth and damaging what had been repaired.
Moving forward…on a random trip to Target with my sister I went down the isle with the sippy cups and purchased a few more Nuby brand cups. I told her maybe these would work because of the long spout. I got home showed them to my husband but something discouraged me from trying them that same night. I guess I kind of talked myself out of trying it, I guess because in the sippy cup department we dont have much luck!
Well Well…let me say we have been OFF THE BOTTLE FOR TWO WEEKS NOW!!!!!
Here are a few pics of Emma and her Cup!!!
Yes Milk Mustache…
Patting her belly and drinking…must be GOOD!!!
She loves it!!!
Dont mind the football in the background…Daddy was determined to buy her some type of football!!!
For a Cleft Mom…I am ecstatic about her drinking from something other than her bottle! This is MAJOR!!! I cant wait to share with the other moms that the Nuby Sports Sipper can start the process with a cleft baby drinking from something other than a bottle!
I know some may be wondering if this really warranted a blog post…and the answer is YES! Being a Cleft Mom to a Cleft Lip/Palate baby eating and drinking is always a chore until the child gets it. And Emma was SUPER attached to her bottle after this last surgery, so being able to get her into the first stages of a cup is really a blessing!
This is what the cup looks like…and I found them at Target!
For more information on the sippy cups check out NUBY
**I did not receive ANY compensation for this post, it is 100% my opinion, and was paid for with MY money**