Reading through Blogs and Facebook Statuses…I have realized that so many people are against the holiday! Well I happen to like all the frilly lovie dovie stuff! YES, we do that all year long but what is one more day…
Today I decided to dedicate my post to Darrick (my Valentine)…
Dear Darrick…I know you aren’t the biggest fan of the holiday but you know I like to celebrate it so you do it for me and I THANK YOU! It falls in the middle of the week so its kind of hard to do anything special like date night…but honestly I don’t need all of that! Those new pumps you bought me will work just fine;)! LOL!!!
As I sit here and think back to last year…we spent Valentines Day in the hospital with Emma. She was only 10 days old, and you probably brought me a pack of Chuckles (our hospital candy-and we probably traded the purple for a red with me). I cant remember all the details but I do remember them taking her out of the oxygen hood she was in and heck that made not only our day but our year! LOL!! It was one of the first obstacles God brought us through as parents. As I sit here today and think about how God has brought us full circle since then and we are in so much of a better place I can’t help but to THANK GOD for you, us, and Emma!!!
So I just want to take the time to say thank you for being not only my valentine on Valentine’s Day but all year long!!!
I love you Mr. Godbott!!!!