PRAISE REPORT: For those who have been following my daughter and her development! I would like to take a moment to THANK GOD….she had her stomach tube taken out today! Emma had a g-tube put in her stomach on March 20, 2012, because she wasnt eating enough on her own after she was born. Darrick and I fought, and fought because we didnt want the tube…and it turned out to be great thing because after having it put in they discharged her from the hospital. Well since we were discharged on March 24, 2012, we used the tube for the first couple of weeks, then Emma began eating on her own! She had surgery to repair her cleft lip on July 24, 2012, and even after that we only used it twice!!
Well after going through all the doctors…FINALLY today she had it removed! PRAISE GOD! If you follow my personal page, you probably read my testimony on my status. When we were at the appointment today we had to basically plead our case to the doctor! She kept saying well we can take it out but when she has her palate surgery if she needs it again we will just put it back in! But while she was talking to me I was thinking we wont need it put back it…this situation is in God’s Hands!!! And he is the ULTIMATE HEALER…so no matter what you say she will need I KNOW God didnt bring us this far to have things revert back to how they were when she was first born!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!
I never showed this picture…until now! This is Emma’s “Button”…this is what a g-tube in a baby looks like! A gastronomy tube (also called a G-tube) is a tube inserted through the abdomen that delivers nutrition directly to the stomach. It’s one of the ways doctors can make sure kids with trouble eating get the fluid and calories they need to grow.
Well our little Emma is getting all her nutrients via her mouth!!! She is a hungry little girl!
Our assignment is to work with her on drinking from a cup because once she has surgery on her palate she will have to drink from an open cup!!! Im a little nervous but like I said before its all in God’s Hands!!!
**Shouting Music**