Today is Emma’s 7th Month Birthday!!!
I cant believe Emma is already 7 months old, she is getting so big so fast! We haven’t been to the doctors in a month and last weigh in she was almost 15lbs…she is clearly way over that now! She is SUPER heavy! LOL!! But I love it because she is eating well and eating everything (you can’t even eat in front of her anymore)! Its amazing how much she has transitioned into a big girl after the 6th month mark! She loves eating…she gets so excited and she eats like a champ! I have noticed when she gets upset she throws her body back! LOL!! This doesn’t happen often but when she first did it, totally caught me by surprise! Since Emma doesn’t have a palate (closed roof of her mouth) there is an opening to her nostril, so when she is eating vegetables and she notices that they aren’t sweet she pushes them out of her nose (gross, I know)…if you add fruit this doesn’t happen! Sneaky little girl…LOL!!
We are working on strengthening her back muscles, she knows how to sit up on her own when you are sitting behind her…but she hasn’t quite learned how to catch herself when goes to the side! She is rolling over and trying to scoot more, but we aren’t crawling yet. She actually prefers to practice standing up more than tummy time. My mom thinks she may be like my sister and go straight to walking instead of crawling…we shall see! She is “talking more”…and screaming, I think she loves her voice! She screams and smiles, screams and smiles…then she does her form of babbling! She even talks on her way to sleep, and in the car when there is music playing…she starts talking then too!!! Can we say “motor-mouth” LOL!!! I love it though!!! She also loves to play “hide-seek”…if you play “Where’s Emma” she loves it and will play LITERALLY forever if you let her!
These 7 months have gone by so fast! Darrick and I are so happy to be blessed with Emma, she keeps us on our toes and constantly laughing! She has so much personality to be so little! Its amazing to see how she follows us around the room, she even follows the dog around the house with her eyes! She can’t wait to get to her! LOL!!