For many of you that follow me on Facebook and Instagram, you may have already seen these pics! I am so proud of my Munchkin!!! She is doing extremely well with foods, the doctor gave us the go ahead once she turned 4 months old. I noticed an increase in her diet and I emailed the doctor to see if we could start her on foods. Well since the beginning of the month we have eaten a couple days out of the week. With Emma since she has to have the mouthpiece in and she can’t eat with that it I am only able to feed her foods when she doesnt have it in her mouth because I dont want to go through having to keep taking it out and putting it back in her mouth.

We were told to start with vegetables, so I started with carrots! Emma ate those two days and she really liked them! In the picture she had more on her bib (I need to invest in plastic bibs), but she kept a lot in her mouth!
We put mixed grain cereal in her bottles in the morning and at night, but on Monday we put cereal in a bowl and Daddy fed it to her! Looks like they are having fun! HA!!! She ate the cereal by itself, then the next day she at it with bananas (pics below)
This is what eating cereal and bananas looks like! She really likes them too!!! LOL! She grunts and puts her hands in her mouth so I have to make sure when we are eating foods that we can go straight to the tub afterwards!!!
Like I said early I am extremely proud of Emma because she is doing so well with foods! Since she has a cleft palate as well as the lip, she doesn’t have a “roof” in her mouth. She has a portion of the roof of her mouth on the sides but at the top it goes straight to her nostril, and sometimes if she gets choked or burps it can come out her nose because that along with her lip has to be fixed. But the palate wont be fixed until she is closer to a year old. So when I am feeding her its easier for to take the foods if it goes in on the side where she has more of a lip because she has a roof to her mouth on that side. Its confusing, maybe one day I will be able to get a picture of this and explain it better! But nonetheless I am still EXTREMELY proud of my munchkin!!!