I thought this quote was perfect for the topic!
Thanks Pinterest…I always find the perfect quotes on there!
So on Tuesday, my little one has to have surgery to have a stomach tube put in. I was told this is minor surgery but I don’t feel any surgery is minor. I am trying not to worry myself to death but its hard! Emma still isn’t taking her full bottles and the doctors are scared if they send her home she could possibly have to come back because she doesn’t eat enough on her own. Before leaving today I was told that she will be given an IV at tomorrow night because she will be unable to eat before surgery. Then they are unsure if they will feed her afterwards or if she will have to wait until Wednesday to start feeding again. One thing I can say is Emma has come a long way since birth and I KNOW she is a soldier, and has been a soldier throughout this entire process but I cant help but be nervous for her. I have been praying hard about this procedure, and about my feelings about the entire process. It has been so hard to come to grips with my baby having to have an extra surgery, but on the upside she will be able to come home this weekend coming up!
So although this has been tough I know that we will get through it and I try to keep my head focused on the upcoming weekend when I will have my baby at home with me!!! I know God has the master plan in all of this, and having faith in Him to bring us all through this and healthy in the end!
So please when you are praying this week…say a prayer for my little one!
God is in Control!