Dear Emma,
Today is your due date! I decided to write you a letter on Sunday, January 29, 2012. I was sitting here thinking that I may not possibly be able to write a post about you on February 2nd (your actual due date) so I decided to do it in advance.
Where do I start…I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU, ACTUALLY DADDY AND I CANT WAIT TO MEET YOU!!! Although we were scared to death when we first found out we were pregnant, we have loved you from the beginning. We both originally thought we were having a boy, but once we found out you are a girl…we went into full girl mode and you have been Daddy’s Little Princess ever since. We constantly pray for your development because we found out that you could possibly have a cleft lip, however, we have put it all in God’s Hands, and no matter what you are in God’s Hands and there is NOTHING that He CAN’T HEAL! Seeing your face in the ultrasounds we can see you have fat cheeks (you took after your Momma) and I cant wait to kiss them, it brings tears to my eyes each time I see you because I cant believe you will be ours and God has blessed us with such a GIFT!
As I sit here and type this I can’t stop crying because I am so THANKFUL to have you and Daddy in my life! You are named after your Grandmother’s Emma (Daddy’s Mom), and Renee (Mommy’s Mom)…Grandma Batts and Papa (Mommy’s side) cant wait to join you in the crew of grand-kids they already have, and Grandma Godbott and Poppi (Daddy’s Side) are deceased but I know they are watching over you from Heaven! Your Aunts and Uncles are also ready to meet you, they call daily to see how Mommy is doing and if I have gone into labor…I guess one day they will either receive a phone call that we are headed to the hospital or a phone call telling them what day the doctor has scheduled us to come in.
By the time anyone reads this letter, hopefully you are already in my arms…if not I know it wont be long before we meet you:) Just please try to come before the Super Bowl per Daddy’s request:) If not, whenever you decide to come we will be ecstatic, even if its on Super Bowl Sunday!
Love Always,
Mommy and Daddy