Oh the Waiting Game…I am not due until February 2, however, I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and she said that everything was prepping to go into labor. Then I went last week and basically got the SAME report again. Boo! I just knew for my last appointment I was going to find out that I am dilated or something, but no I didn’t hear any of that. After my appointment last week, I scheduled with the receptionist and she scheduled me for the next 3 Fridays in a row for the same time! Boooo!!! My last appointment falls the day after I’m due and I pray that I don’t make it to that appointment and by that time I am holding my baby in my arms! Darrick and I are VERY anxious, and I think that’s due to the fact that we had a scare about a week ago while having dinner at Outback Restaurant. I had two contractions within 5 minutes of each other, so we knew we were well on our way to labor (NOT) they stopped and now they are here and there NOTHING CONSISTENT!
So now we basically play the waiting game…this weekend Darrick and I walked a lot with the hopes that, we would get her moving, but it didn’t work! I think its driving me crazy because this is totally out of my hands, its up to the baby and when she is ready!
We are ready to meet you! Actually the whole family is ready to meet you not just Mommy and Daddy…the rest of the family is just as anxious as we are!