Picture from the Baby shower…
I should have turned sideways so you could see the bump more!
How Far Along? 37 weeks…FULL TERM BABY!!!
Come one let’s go Emma (Mommy and Daddy are ANXIOUS)!!
Size of Emma? Before Christmas I had an appointment and she was 6lbs, I go to the doctor later this week to see where she is and if we need another ultrasound before delivery
Maternity Clothes? Yes, I have a couple pairs of work pants that aren’t maternity, however, EVERYTHING else is maternity!
Weight Gain? 14lbs in total (not too bad)
Stretch Marks? Yes Boo…I got stretch marks pretty early in the pregnancy
Gender? Girl
Sleep? Well I am up 3 times a night for bathroom breaks! Then on top of that I wake up daily around 5:40am or so…then usually I’m just in pain by the morning time…so I am very ready to have my little munchkin!
Food Cravings? Fresh Fruit and Pastries
(not together, but this is still an odd combination)
What I Miss? Being able get a full night’s rest, and the energy that I used to have…and my MEMORY!!! I cant remember ANYTHING now!!!
Symptoms? TIRED! I’m always tired and can barely keep my eyes open. I have a million things going through my mind with the wedding and baby on the way! And the past two days I’ve had a bad case of nauseousness:(
Best Moment of the Week? Baby shower, and Sunday after church Darrick and I went to Outback for dinner. After eating an appetizer I started having contractions (two to be exact) LOL…but they were 5 minutes apart so we weren’t taking any chances…we packed up our food and paid for our meal and went home just in case it was time. When we got home, I laid down and Darrick was up…when I got up Darrick had organized EVERYTHING! He put all the clothes together based on sizes, he organized her drawers and her bin in the hallway with all of her toiletries in it. I was so proud of him…he is going to be such a great Daddy!!!